
TMU votes to investigate wind energy possiblities

The Traer Municipal Utilities board held their regular scheduled monthly meeting on Thursday, June 4 at 7:00 p.m.

Chairman, Bruce Overton called the meeting to order with Trustees, Dann Larmore, Sandra Whannel, Dick Thompson and Joe Morris present.

A motion was made by Larmore, seconded by Thompson to approve the agenda and the motion carried. A motion was made by Larmore, seconded by Whannel that the Consent Agenda is approved; minutes of the May meeting and June payables be approved. The motion was approved in a roll call vote.

A motion was made by Whannel to approve the agreement with Energy Management Solutions to apply for a USDA Grant of $100,000 to provide energy audits. The motion carried unanimously with a roll call vote.

General Manager Pat Stief reported to the Board on the possibility of applying for a grant and investigating the erection of a wind turbine. Preliminary study shows that there are three potential sites in the area that could work, and the landowners would need to be contacted. The initial cost would be approximately $15,000 for the wind study. A motion was made by Thompson, seconded by Larmore to approve the agreement with Energy Management and proceed with the wind study and grant application if an agreement is reached with a landowner. If more than one site is available, then the Board should meet again to make a decision. The motion was approved.

A motion by Whannel, seconded by Morris, to adopt Resolution 06-04-09-1; Setting Energy Efficiency and spending goals for the Traer Municipal Electric Utility, setting a goal 1 percent efficiency reduction and spending $.0014/kwh on cost-effective measures. The motion was approved with a roll call vote.

Stief gave his General Managers report to the Board. They discussed the date of the July meeting. The meeting will be held on the regular scheduled time of July 2. The official holiday for the 4th of July is Friday, July 3rd the TMU and City offices will be closed Friday.

Stief presented the Board with the same summary of activity on the gas municipalization that was given to the City Council. An offer was made, which Alliant has rejected. Attempts by the attorney to begin negotiations have not been answered by Alliant.

The Board also discussed the Winding Stairs Festival. In addition to having vehicles in the parade, the staff will set up the bucket truck for “rides.”

Hearing no citizen input and no further business, Chairman Overton adjoined the meeting.