
Meet the Candidates: Amanda Kriegel (R-Tama)

Tama County Treasurer

"I ask for your vote not only because I am qualified, but also because I am dedicated to serving the residents of Tama County, having demonstrated that dedication this year when I was the only person to step forward when the county was in need of a department head in the treasurer’s office and without the promise of a full four-year term."

Telegraph note: Ahead of the November 8 General Election, Tama-Grundy Publishing sent out questionnaires to all of the declared candidates in the contested races in Tama County. Last week, we printed responses from candidates for the Iowa House of Representatives. This week we focus on Tama County Supervisors District 1 and County Treasurer; next week we will print Iowa Senate. Early voting by absentee ballot in Iowa began this past Wednesday, Oct. 19 – including in person in county auditors’ offices.

Candidate Spotlight: Tama County Treasurer


Age: 39

Residence: Tama

Family: My son Gavin and two daughters Hailee and Olivia

Education: STC HS 2001, Accounting Degree

Profession: Current Tama County Treasurer

1. Why are you the best candidate for this office – what differentiates you from your opponent?

As a parent, I attended college full time while working full time all while taking care of my children. I have an innate desire to succeed and provide for my family. I want my children to know that life is not always easy, but if you keep trying eventually everything falls into place and you can write your own future. I am lucky enough to currently have the opportunity to be working as the Treasurer of Tama County. My recent accounting experience has allowed me to ensure that there were little to no issues when I took this position in the interim. My main goal in running for this position is to ensure that we as county residents are receiving the services and support from the Treasurer’s office that are expected and in a timely manner.

2) How will your experiences and background inform your work if elected?

I have previously worked in a county position; I was responsible for budgeting and all things General Ledger related. I also managed two tax offices and 20+ staff members. I have worked in a variety of positions that have not only required accounting knowledge but involved working with the public. I feel that I can provide valuable knowledge to the Treasurer’s office. I choose to lead by example not only at work but in life. My ability to learn quickly and navigate through difficult situations calmly is an asset.

3) If elected, how will you exercise fiduciary responsibility and oversight?

There are a few processes that have already been changed. One of the previous processes was maintaining an extremely large spreadsheet. We have since stopped that process and now pull the necessary reports when needed. Imagine putting one number in wrong. Before it took hours to sit and figure out when a number was input incorrectly. Because we can pull specific reports to get the numbers we need, there was no need for us to “recreate the wheel.” This has freed up so much time and gives us the ability to focus on other processes to make them more efficient as well. My goal is to make processes more efficient for all county residents. There is great importance in supporting our local community. I strive to do so by disbursing county funds into our Banks within the county.

4) Are there any reforms you would like to see made in the Tama County Treasurer’s Office?

While the foundation of our county office is dictated by the Iowa Code, we have already implemented internal improvements as I described in the previous question that are helping us work more efficiently. Another example of this is that we are in the process of rolling out an online appointment system for our driver’s license services. Since 2020, the Iowa DOT has required appointments to be made for the majority of driver’s license services. Customers previously have had to set appointments over the phone or in-person. We’ll now have the option for customers to set driver’s license appointments online at any time. This adds convenience for our customers and also gives us a text message reminder system to confirm and remind customers of their appointments. This helps our efficiency by cutting down on appointment no-shows and keeping the calendar open for new appointments. We continue to work toward cross-training goals among our staff that allow more staff to help more customers, regardless of their department specialty. I believe that we are all a team and being willing to pitch in, even when not an expert in a topic, promotes a healthy work environment for staff and the most helpful one for customers.

5) Please share three things you believe voters would find interesting about you.

I still prepare yearly individual tax returns from previous clients.

I provide Senior Care Living Services weekly for a gentleman in Marshalltown, this includes grocery shopping, occasional cleaning and like to spend time with him with my daughters.

I am a Navy brat and huge advocate of the military. Two of my sisters are four and six-year Navy Veterans. Two of my brothers-in-law are currently active-duty Navy, one at 12 years attached to a Special Warfare Unit and the other is at 22 years and stationed on board the USS Ramage (DDG 61).