
North Tama Board of Education Feb. 16 meeting agenda

North Tama Board of Education Meeting Notice

Monday, Feb. 16, 2009

7:00 pm in the ICN Room

1. Call to order.

2. Roll call.

3. Approval of January 19 and January 26 School Board Meeting Minutes.

4. Public forum.

5. Student Learning:A. Students in the Spotlight (High School Academic Decathlon Participants).

B. At-Risk Students (Interventions and Transitions).

C. Professional Development Requests. (none)

6. Principal Reports.

7. Infrastructure Work / Construction Project. A. Discussion of Final Planning Steps for Construction Project:

B. Set Superintendent’s Spending Limit for Change-Orders:C.Possible Vehicle Trade:

8. Athletic Sharing Agreements.9. Accept resignations.10. Request for approval to Hire Staff. (none)11. Preliminary Discussion of 2009-10 District Calendar Options.

12. Open Enrollment Requests. (none)

13. Finance. D. Request for approval of Fund-Raisers. (none)

E Discussion of FY09 & FY10 General Fund Budget:

F. Spanish Trip (Finance Information):

G. Approval of Bills:14. Superintendent Report / Misc. Information.

15. Board Member Reports.

16. Review of Board Meeting.

17. Adjournment. 18. Closed Exempt Session for Discussion of Contract Negotiations.