
Seniors in the Spotlight

How many family members do you have and what are their names?

My Dad Terry, Stepmom Maria, older sister Ashley, and 3 younger brothers, Colton, Kaleb, and Luke

If you could travel anywhere and see anything, where would you go and why?

I would probably go to Switzerland because some of my family has been there and tell me it’s really beautiful.

What is your favorite song? Why?

Amazed by Lonestar because I just love it and have since the first time I heard it.

What are you going to do with your life after you get your Diploma?

I’m going to go to college at Hawkeye for nursing. I am going to visit my sister in California.

What career do you want to pursue after you leave North Tama and/or College?


How do you spend your free time?

Mostly reading books and hanging out with Sidney.

Who is the most influential person in your life and why?

My dad because he has been there from day one, and he has showed me so much love and has always been there for any opinion or crisis I’ve ever had. He’s been the one constant in my life, and I’ve grown to respect him more and more.

What piece of advice would you give to your classmates about their senior year?

It’s your last year so have fun; get out and enjoy life.

What is your favorite memory from your experiences at North Tama?

In leadership when I was trying to explain something to the class and Mr. Laube, I said orgasm instead of organism. I tried to correct myself, but everyone was already laughing.

What do you look forward to most about life after school?

I look forward to having a life of my own and starting a family.

If you were trapped on a deserted island, who would you want to be stranded with? What items would you want to have?

My Dad because I love and get along with him, plus he’s way smart and would help me survive. I would want to have food, blankets, and a cell phone with service.

Where is Waldo located in the World?

Waldo is fictional, so I’m guessing he’s in a book.

What was your favorite class that you have taken or are taking now and why?

FCS I & II because I had fun in class and got to eat food. What more could you want?

First thing after commencement that I will do is.

Probably go out to eat with family.

In one sentence, give a statement that you would want to be remembered by.

Life is NOT about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.

Seniors in the Spotlight

How many family members do you have and what are their names?

Duane Hanus (Dad), Vicky Hanus (Mom), Troy Hanus (Brother), Kelsey Hanus (Sister)

If you could travel anywhere and see anything, where would you go and why?

I’d travel to Jamaica and meet Usain Bolt

What is your favorite song? Why?

“Saturday Night Special” by Lynyrd Skynyrd

What are you going to do with your life after you get your Diploma?

Go to college and play sports

What career do you want to pursue after you leave North Tama and/or College?

To start my own shoe business

How do you spend your free time?

Trapping, fishing, riding dirt bikes, and hanging out with friends

Who is the most influential person in your life and why?

My dad because he has taught me everything I know.

What piece of advice would you give to your classmates about their senior year?

Take easy classes.

What is your favorite memory from your experiences at North Tama?

Watching Lumpy always getting into trouble with Meggers

What do you look forward to most about life after school?

College and playing a sport in college.

If you were trapped on a deserted island, who would you want to be stranded with? What items would you want to have?

A boat.

Where is Waldo located in the World?

Between Wyatt and Hanus

What was your favorite class that you have taken or are taking now and why?

Auto Maintenance because we got to work on cars and learn about them.

First thing after commencement that I will do is.

I don’t know.

In one sentence, give a statement that you would want to be remembered by.

The legend.