
Hora-Machacek Auxiliary holds June meeting

CLUTIER – Mary S, Linda D, Pauline S, Diane C, and Veronica P. attended the June 5 meeting of the Hora-Machacek Legion Auxiliary at the post home. President Veronica conducted the meeting. Mary S. said prayer and the vacant chair. Veronica called the roll and read May’s minutes which were approved as read.

Treasurer Diane reviewed our finances. Diane presented a bill for two 4×6 American flags. Linda D. made a motion to pay Diane, seconded by Pauline S. Motion carried. Received thank you from IVH library for the money we had sent to them in memory of Vera S, Evelyn C, Martha P, Helen S, Jean M, and Marlus S.

On Tuesday, May 21, Diane and Pauline cleaned and sorted the trellises and crosses to make ready for memorial weekend. Pauline, Linda and Diane placed the trellises on Auxiliary members’ graves at four local cemeteries on Friday, May 24. Helping the Legion on Saturday May 25 place crosses on Veterans graves was Pauline, Jackie, Courtney, Sue, Katie, and Steph Kupka and family.

Joint Tama County meeting will be Tuesday, June 25 at the Elberon post home. Will have a potluck lunch at noon, flag disposal ceremony following lunch and then meeting following about 1:30 p.m.

August 3 is the Tama County picnic at IVH. Our unit is to furnish two pies and corn.

Reviewed slate of officers for the coming year. Only changes are Collette to be historian and Linda to be Vice-president. Linda made a motion to accept slate of officers, seconded by Mary. Motion carried.

Get well card was signed by all present for Nancy Cibula. Door prize was won by Diane. No July meeting. The August meeting will be on the 6th at 1:30 p.m. Mary S said the closing prayer. Pauline retired the colors. Diane was hostess and served egg salad sandwiches.