
Letter to the Editor: Give for Max

To the Editor:

July has arrived, summer is in full swing and it is time for the summer Blood Drive sponsored by the Traer American Legion on Thursday, July 17 at the Traer Memorial Building from 12:30 to 6 p.m.

Please put this on your calendar along with the picnics, camp outs, county fairs, etc. Many people are depending on others to give them a summer to remember. Summers are a time to build memories and by being a blood donor you are helping to build memories for many others.

Max Morrison was a very big supporter of being a blood donor and also of creating memories for his family and friends. This summer let’s “Give for Max” as we remember him and his zest for life.

You can schedule an appointment time by calling Cecilia, 319-478-2947 or just walk in. Bring your donor card or picture ID, 16 year olds need parental permission and eat well. “Give for Max.”

Cecilia Podhajsky
