
Cookie Contest winners announced

A Cookie Contest was held at the Dysart City Park on the 4th of July with two categories. Winners in the youth division were: 1st, $25, Abby Johnson, Rolo cookies; 2nd, $15, Landen Reed, Choco chip; 3rd, $10, Grace Johnson, Choco chip banana. Winners for the adult division were: 1st, $25, Sarah Ternus, double choco pecan; 2nd, $15, Kelly Trask, monster; 3rd, $10, Peggy Crees, Maple Toffee. Many thanks goes to Overton Funeral Home for sponsoring the contest; the Dysart Drive In for the complimentary cone tickets; and the DDC. All proceeds from the silent auction go to Club Dysart to support the 4th of July celebration.