
Dengler Domain: Summer Food

Certain foods only feel right during the summer. Gnawing on a hot dog in negative twenty-degree weather does not make sense. It’s best to enjoy the summer foods during the right time of the year, and there are only a few foods that truly matter.

Watermelon is one of these foods. Have you ever eaten watermelon in the winter? I hope not. First off, obtaining a high-quality watermelon in the winter is tough. Second, a nice red, juicy watermelon tastes best in the summer. During a hot and humid summer day, it is refreshing to eat watermelon. The softness of the texture coupled with the juiciness makes for an enjoyable experience. One cannot go wrong with this summer food.

Hot dogs are another great summer food. It does not make sense to cook a hot dog in the winter on the stove or on a portable, electrically heated grill. The taste does not compare. Hot dogs are the epitome of summer grilling foods. They are simple to make, and when loaded up with condiments, they taste even better. No one knows where the meat comes from, but it does not matter because they are still enjoyable.

Lastly, there is sweet corn. This beautiful vegetable always tastes good if it is a good batch. I have already seen stands selling sweet corn, but it felt a little early. Having the right batch is the best option. After husking, cooking, and smothering in butter, sweet corn is the perfect summertime food. Unlike watermelon or hot dogs, both of which can be consumed outside of the summer, sweet corn is too weird to be eaten outside of the summer. Any store selling sweet corn in the winter either has invented cold weather corn or it is not fresh. I guess the latter.

Out of all these different food options, sweet corn is the best summertime food. Fortunately, prime sweet corn season is coming up. Go grab some hot dogs, watermelon, and sweet corn and enjoy them while they are still hot, figuratively, and while we are still in the middle of July, and the heat is here to stay. Might as well enjoy the food during the stereotypical summer weather.