
Dengler Domain: Lyrics

Remembering lyrics to songs does not come easy. When listening to music, every other part of the song; the drums, guitars, and everything else in between is more prevalent. When I remember the lyrics to a song, it holds extra significance. One of these songs is Judah & The Lion’s “Suit and Jacket.”

This song was never the most popular song. It debuted in 2017. While it is RIAA certified gold, it was nowhere near the top of the charts. The lyrics of this song are worth everyone remembering them.

The first two verses of the song are “I ain’t trading my youth for no suit and jacket,

I ain’t giving my freedom for your money and status.” While the first verse references youth, this does not matter. It is a reminder for those to pursue their passions and not let one’s entire life conform to society’s expectations. Part of their life? Fine. It is more important to live out one’s dreams.

The second verse is also important. While one should not stop making money and run rampant through the roads of Tama County, it is important to understand money and status is not everything. Whether it is a strong family nucleus, finding a hobby, and other life fulfilling options, living life is more important. When not consumed by money and status, a person can live out their individuality to a fuller extent.

This lyric can also extend to small towns. While population trends are not in a small town’s favor, the individuality of the town is. Whether it is the town festival or the unique attraction to bring visitors to town, these are vital. Small towns have more individuality than some of the largest suburbs because they are home to small businesses and not national franchise chains. Small towns are not as conformed to society as these suburbs. Maintaining this individuality is key.

Another lyric from “Suit and Jacket” is “And I ain’t trading my dreams for no 401k, And I ain’t giving this fire for a cold, cold heart.” Like the previous lyrics, whether a person or a community, selling out for money is not always the best option. Stay motivated and be different if that gives one peace. Life is too short to live how society wants one to live. Obviously, do not be a jerk, but to one’s best ability, pursue one’s passion. This can be for five to 15 minutes even if the rest of the day is full of a boring day job or unfulfilling tasks. It will be worth it.

When you get a chance, I recommend listening to the song. While it might not sound the way you prefer, the lyrics are worth it. Plus, there is a better chance you will remember the lyrics better than I do.

Sean Dengler is a writer, comedian, farmer, and host of the Pandaring Talk podcast who grew up on a farm between Traer and Dysart. You can reach him at sean.h.dengler@gmail.com.