
Looking Back – 03/15/13

March 16, 1933

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown, residing southeast of Dysart, are the parents of a baby daughter born to them Monday, March 13. This is the second girl in the family.

John Klar, well known and pioneer resident of Dysart, a business man here for many years, passed away at the family home in Dysart on Wednesday afternoon, March 15.

March 18, 1943

David Michael is the name of the son born Wednesday, March 17, at the Presbyterian hospital in Waterloo to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keidel.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gleim are grandparents since a son was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Knight of Waterloo at the Allen Memorial Hospital. The baby has been named John Duwane.

March 14, 1963

A change in business ownership in Dysart is being announced this week. Dick Kavalier has purchased the interest of John Helm in the Helm and Kavalier Implement Co., effective March 1.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Knoop moved last week to the Ted Knoop farm and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Knoop moved to their new home in Dysart.

March 15, 1973

Sixty-one hogs were entered in the annual Benton County Spring Market Hog Show at the Cedar Valley Livestock Exchange in Vinton. Paul Burhenn of Dysart showed the champion in the open class.

A men’s chorus and a mixed chorus will be formed for the Dysart centennial Sunday Union Church Services. The groups will be directed by Mrs. John Miller.

March 17, 1983

Steve and Jolene Schrader of Dysart are the parents of their first daughter born March 10, at Waterloo. She has been named Stefanie Jo.

Services for Arlo A. Van Tasell, 65, of Dysart, were held March 15, at the Dysart United Methodist Church.

March 18, 1993

Announcement is being made of the engagement of Janene Rae Symonds and Richard Allen Krug, both of Dysart. The couple will be married April 24, at the Zion Lutheran Church in Dysart.

March 20, 2003

The Rev. Calvin and Gladys Teasdale will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a family dinner in Fort Dodge. They were married March 26, 1953, at Lowry Air Force Base in Denver, Colo.

Sophia Bottema of Dysart will celebrate her 90th birthday with a card shower. She was born April 1, 1913, the daughter of James and Ann Pecenka.