
Kubik-Finch Post #142

A delicious dinner was served for 21 people that included cheesy potatoes, hamballs, baked beans, orange salad, fresh peach cake and beverages. Arlene Schmidt, Kathy Stammer, Kathy Manfull and myself were hostesses. Mayor Pete spoke to us about our town achievements. Swimming pool is well underway and wind turbine is producing 40 percent of our power – Traer is the greenest city in Iowa. The Traer Manufacturing location is starting to do some work from the owners (elevator), they are going to build silos for grain. He says to vote “Yes” to have TMU take over the gas utility so Traer gets the profit instead of it going out of state to Alliant Energy.

We received a thank you from the Ronald McDonald House for the donation we sent. IVH are wanting greeting cards of any kind (unused). The County meeting was September 26 in Elberon. Our meeting after the dinner consisted of the usual prayers, pledges, songs, etc. Arlene Schmidt motioned we adjourn and Vi Barge seconded it. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

-For God & Country, Prayers to Everyone

Sect. Verona Staker