
Yuska appointed during Tama Co. Board of Supervisors meeting

Tama County Administration Building, 104 W State St., Toledo, Iowa. TELEGRAPH FILE PHOTO

TOLEDO – Last Monday’s meeting of the Tama Co. Board of Supervisors started like always with the county engineer’s report. They are still working to remove a snow trap on 250th Street and were waiting for the paint stripers to do their job before opening Toledo’s Deer Creek Bridge. Dirt work is being done on K Avenue, and the light on V18 is scheduled to be hooked up.

Two right-of-way agreements were also approved for the Engineer.

The most interesting item on the week’s agenda, “Discuss Board of Adjustment appointment,” ironically led to very little discussion. During the previous meeting, the Supervisors had a heated dispute over the issue of appointing Nancy Yuska to the board. Multiple members of the community came to speak of Nancy’s quality of character during the public comment section. When the supervisors came to this issue, they took little time and little discussion to approve Nancy Yuska to the board.

The supervisors approved Marty Hardon to the Compensation Board for Treasurer.

Claims totaling $337,374.17 were approved.