
Building Strong Communities from Strong Foundations

Casey Schmidt (back left) pictured with his family.

To all of Tama County, I want to express my heartfelt THANK YOU! It was on July 3, 2023, that I started this campaign with the goal of becoming the next Tama County Sheriff, and what an incredible journey it has been! I am truly grateful for the words of encouragement and amazing support I have received throughout this entire campaign. The outpouring of support has been both overwhelming and humbling. As I reflect on the Primary held on June 4, the message was resoundingly clear. Being elected is a profound honor, and no words can effectively convey my gratitude.

The Primary election was a huge step in my journey of becoming the next Tama County Sheriff. I can’t wait for the general election in November and the chance to officially take office on January 1, 2025.

The work doesn’t stop here! I’m really looking forward to meeting and getting to know more of the great people in Tama County leading up to the general election and beyond!

I would like to express my gratitude to Lucas Dvorak and Trevor Killian for the time, effort, and enthusiasm they both poured into their campaigns for Tama County Sheriff. Running a campaign exposes oneself to the public spotlight and provides the people with an opportunity to make an informed decision during the election. Choosing an elected position, such as Sheriff, is a significant decision, and offering the people a choice among all of us is truly commendable.

I am excited about what lies ahead and the opportunity to lead the Tama County Sheriff’s Office forward, building upon the strong foundation set by current Sheriff Dennis Kucera. I am confident that the residents of Tama County will feel an even greater sense of pride in having exceptional law enforcement, not only within the Tama County Sheriff’s Office but throughout the entire county.

Tama County Sheriff’s Deputy Casey Schmidt is the Republican nominee for Tama County Sheriff. After winning the nomination during the June 4 primary election, he is currently running unopposed in the general election which takes place on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Schmidt and his family reside in Dysart.