Wulf’s Weekly Roundup: A look into the 2025 Legislative Session

Rep. Derek Wulf (R-Hudson) pictured on the first day of the 2025 legislative session in Des Moines. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
I am back in Des Moines to represent you, and I am honored to get back to work to keep making District 76 and Iowa the best they can be. This week I want to give you a look into what we plan on doing this legislative session and the work I will be doing.
Committee work
This year I am serving as the Natural Resources chair. Here I will be able to help one of Iowa’s biggest Industries, agriculture, co-exist with our state’s rich natural resources. I will look into the deer population problem across the state, may it be too high or too low, and work to look to keep Iowa the Bread Basket of the world
I will also serve on the Agriculture, State Government, and Ways and Means Committees as well as the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee.
Starting January 1 we have secured all Iowan’s a fair tax rate of 3.8%. Democrats say they are for you and your wallet, but they voted against every tax cut we passed for you. They wanted to keep us as one of the highest state tax rates in the nation, but in Iowa you spoke up and gave us a Super Majority in both chambers.
We are all feeling the pain of the Biden Harris administration and here in Iowa we have let you keep more of the money they want to take.
You have spoken, it is time to let Iowan’s have more of their money. This year we will be dealing with property taxes, here in the Iowa House we will look to put you, the taxpayer, first in this discussion.
Rep. Wulf’s district, Iowa House District 76, includes the communities of Traer, Dysart, and Buckingham in Tama County. He can be reached via email: DEREK.WULF@LEGIS.IOWA.GOV