

Health Care Law Upheld, But Flaws Remain

The Supreme Court upheld a key piece of the President's health care law. I respect the court's role in our system of government, but Obamacare remains a terrible law. It's led to too many people losing the coverage they had and spending more for what coverage they can get. Iowans tell me ...

Veto of MHI Funding Hurts Vulnerable Iowans

As part of ongoing efforts to improve mental health services, we voted this year to make it easier for Iowans to receive mental health and substance abuse treatment closer to home. This included a bipartisan plan to keep all four of Iowa's mental health institutes (MHIs) operating.Republican ...

Health Care Law Upheld, But Flaws Remain

The Supreme Court upheld a key piece of the President's health care law. I respect the court's role in our system of government, but Obamacare remains a terrible law. It's led to too many people losing the coverage they had and spending more for what coverage they can get. Iowans tell me ...

The Dengler Domain: Writing

Writing has stood the test of time. For most of time, writing could be looked at as a work of art, but computers have taken this fact away. One example is cursive writing. This style of writing is out of fashion and today's youth do not go through the struggles of wondering why a z looks like a ...

Slices of Life – Raising enlightened men

They were fighting again. I could hear them downstairs. There was a moderate-level crash and then muffled sounds, like maybe somebody got pushed or bumped up against a piece of furniture. It grew quiet, so I knew someone was injured. Not bad enough for the ER or anything, but maybe a stubbed ...

Restore Integrity of Visas

For more than 200 years, America's system of free enterprise has sparked innovation and economic mobility in communities across the country. A nation founded by immigrants seeking economic, religious and personal freedoms, our society has flourished thanks to the ingenuity and work ethic put ...

Enhancing Iowa’s economy

I was asked to lead a trade delegation to Taiwan in July. Taiwan is one of Iowa's biggest markets for ag exports. This relationship has developed over the years through sister-city and sister-state relationships with Taiwan. The strong ties we have are good for the Iowa economy.I am also ...

The Dengler Domain: Smokey and the Bandit

Films are amazing because the movie theater going experience and watching old films on television. Combining my love of films and the past, I watched a beloved film from previous generations. Friends in grade school talked about this film, but I never had the chance to watch it. This film stars ...

Slices of Life – The heart of a farmer

In my heart, I am a farmer - at least during the summer months when I'm outside tending my garden.I love growing things. I enjoy the feel of moist black dirt between my fingers. I get a sense of satisfaction when my seedlings sprout. I even take pleasure in the achy, sweaty feeling I get after ...

Restore Integrity of Visas

For more than 200 years, America's system of free enterprise has sparked innovation and economic mobility in communities across the country. A nation founded by immigrants seeking economic, religious and personal freedoms, our society has flourished thanks to the ingenuity and work ethic put ...