Power tools and potatoes are on my bucket list. One I want to use. The other I want to grow. I'll let you take it from there.There's an allure to ripping wood with a band saw or being locked and loaded with nail gun. Ka pow! Pure, formidable, wieldy, strong - power tools.Likewise, there's a ...
I just got back from vacation, and I hate to complain, but the pressure of it is enough to get to a person. The decision-making alone nearly put me over the edge. Day after day. After day. Times seven. Or more if you're forced to vacation for longer than one week.It's one thing after ...
The Legislature closed out the 2015 session with Senate Democrats opting to end five months of gridlock on school funding. The goal of the compromise is to maintain educational opportunities and boost student achievement.The final agreement provides an additional $156 million for the 2015-16 ...
Cell phones are the rage and everyone wants to have the new model. To have the newest is to be ahead of the pack. Gigabytes, camera quality, and the size of the phone are qualities taken into consideration. Today's telephones make past telephones appear as dinosaurs. While this may show past ...
The Legislature closed out the 2015 session with Senate Democrats opting to end five months of gridlock on school funding. The goal of the compromise is to maintain educational opportunities and boost student achievement.The final agreement provides an additional $156 million for the 2015-16 ...
The sights, sounds and smells of summer evoke a distinctive taste of Americana for friends and families in neighborhoods across the country. Annual community festivals and parades in Iowa celebrate local traditions, old and new, that residents look forward to year after year.On the national ...
The sights, sounds and smells of summer evoke a distinctive taste of Americana for friends and families in neighborhoods across the country. Annual community festivals and parades in Iowa celebrate local traditions, old and new, that residents look forward to year after year.On the national ...
I just got back from vacation, and I hate to complain, but the pressure of it is enough to get to a person. The decision-making alone nearly put me over the edge. Day after day. After day. Times seven. Or more if you're forced to vacation for longer than one week.It's one thing after ...
Cell phones are the rage and everyone wants to have the new model. To have the newest is to be ahead of the pack. Gigabytes, camera quality, and the size of the phone are qualities taken into consideration. Today's telephones make past telephones appear as dinosaurs. While this may show past ...
Dear Editor,What we need in Iowa is only family farms. I encourage everyone to write, call or email Branstad, Mr. Gipp, the DNR director, and your reps in congress to change laws for the DNR. Iowa is invaded by confined animal feeding operations of CAFOs. I have a hog confinement going up 1900 ...