
Hora-Machacek holds meeting

Hora-Machacek Legion Auxiliary #453 met on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 1:30PM. There were eight members present. President Veronica opened the meeting in a regular forum. Mary said prayer and the vacant chair.

Secretary pro-tem Veronica called the roll and read last month’s minutes which were approved as read. Treasurer Diane reported on our finances. Bake sale helpers were Collette, Linda, Diane, Becky, Mary, and Veronica. The sale was very successful due to donations, food items, and the wonderful people who purchased items. Everything was greatly appreciated.

Diane, Pauline and Sharon served afternoon lunch to the family members of Tracey Miller on April 2. Served 58 people. The following Auxiliary members brought in salads or desserts: Pauline, Marilyn, Linda, Nancy, Sharon, Diane and Collette. Served pulled pork sandwiches.

On March 22nd we hosted the Joint Tama County meeting at 7:00 p.m. with 18 county Legion and Auxiliary members attending. Helpers serving lunch were Collette, Linda, Becky, and Diane. We served chicken salad, egg salad, and ham salad sandwiches and kolaches. Diane, county president, reported on the meeting and also the 3rd district conference she attended on March 19. April 20 is Bingo at IVH at 1pm. Will need to bring your Covid vaccination records or you will not be able to attend. Next county meeting is at Gladbrook with potluck at 6:30 p.m. followed by flag disposal ceremony and meeting on June 28.

Linda made a motion seconded by Pauline to pay half of the newspaper ad for the pancake breakfast/bake sale. Motion carried. It was brought up that in the past we had given money to our girl stater for spending money. Marilyn made a motion to give cash to our girl stater seconded by Bev. Motion carried. After discussion about cost and installation of five new windows in the hall Mary made a motion seconded by Collette to give Legion a donation to assist in payment. Motion carried.

Diane had updated our by-laws: #1 afternoon meetings rather than at night; #8 change husband to spouse; #13 change she to she/he; #15 change ‘she will deposit’ to ‘will deposit’. Diane made a motion to amend the by-laws seconded by Linda. Motion carried.

Birthday cards were signed and will be sent to Marlus and Martha. Sang Happy Birthday to Linda. Door prize was won by Pauline. Our May meeting will be on May 3 at 1:30 p.m. Will get the crosses and trellises cleaned and ready for Memorial Day. Hostess for lunch was Veronica and she served chicken salad sandwiches and brownies.