
Piano students hold recitals at Traer Library

The piano students of Sharon Owens and Carri Holst pictured in late April at the Kupka Cultural Center in Traer following their respective piano recitals. –Photos submitted

The piano students of Sharon Owens and Carri Holst held two recitals on April 23 and

April 24, at the Kupka Cultural Center in the Traer Public Library.

Twenty students performed, ranging in age from first grade to 10th grade. Following the program, a reception to congratulate the students on their great piano playing was held in the community room.

The Kupka Cultural Center is a wonderful venue for both the students to perform and the audience to enjoy the beautiful music.

Recitalists included Alexis Staker, Lenyx Vance, Violet Upah, Katarina Yuska, Stella Halstead, Adeline Kulhavy, Adelynn Kemen, William Dudys, Emily Cochran, Wyatt Upah, Ella Stickles, Levi Murty, Josie Monat, William Ollinger, Tucker Thilges, David Yuska, Clayton Williams, Johnathan Cochran, Madison Martin, Olivia Stickles, and Brandon Ewoldt.