
Local News

Dr. Keefer to speak at Traer Library June 23

Dr. Robert Keefer of Raleigh, NC will be giving a talk about his book “The Alzheimer's/Hearing Aid Paradox” at the Traer Public Library on June 23 beginning at 2:30 p.m. This new book points the way to reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s by up to 500% in every American with hearing loss, ...

Tama County American Legion and Auxiliary meeting

TOLEDO - The Tama County American Legion and Auxiliary will hold a joint meeting on Tuesday, June 27, at the Toledo Post Home. A potluck meal will start at 6:30 p.m. followed by a Flag Disposal Ceremony at approximately 7 p.m. The joint meeting will be held following the flag disposal.

Hawkeye Community College announces spring 2023 Dean’s List

WATERLOO — Hawkeye Community College announces the Dean's List for the spring 2023 semester. The Dean's List is an official recognition of outstanding academic accomplishment by full-time students. To make the Dean’s List, an individual must be a full-time student and successfully complete ...

Iowa State University announces spring semester 2023 Dean’s List

AMES – More than 9,800 Iowa State University students have been recognized for outstanding academic achievement by being named to the spring semester Dean’s List. Students named to the Dean’s List must have earned a grade point average of at least 3.50 on a 4.00 scale while carrying a ...

Upper Iowa University announces Spring 2023 Dean’s List

FAYETTE – Upper Iowa University recently announced the Dean's List for the 2023 spring semester. To be honored, a student must have earned a minimum 3.50 grade point average for the semester and be enrolled as a full-time student. The following students from the North Tama Telegraph area ...

Happy Sesquicentennial, Traer!

TRAER – Traer’s Big Birthday Bash is now one for the (history) books following the daylong event held last Saturday in Taylor Park in honor of the town’s Sesquicentennial year. Amid what seemed to be some of the most persistent rain in the state on Saturday, festivities started about ...

DG Elementary asks community to help swing a new playground

DYSART – For years, the poor condition of Dysart-Geneseo Elementary’s almost 35-year-old playground was something district administrators had to let slide – but not any longer following a recent decision to say goodbye to the aging structure. During the school’s final assembly of ...

Happy 100, Ollie!

CLUTIER – Tama County has another centenarian among its ranks following the birthday of rural Clutier native Ollie Lillian (née Blaha) Kremenak on June 2. Last Sunday afternoon, friends and family gathered in the Z.C.B.J. Hall in Clutier to celebrate Ollie, a sweet lady and former ...